
There shall be an Airport Department which shall be responsible for the proper operation and maintenance of the Bethel Regional Airport. Oversight of this Department shall be accomplished by the Town Manager, in accordance with policies and long-term plans established by the Airport Authority. All costs incurred by this Department shall be met solely through operation of an airport fund. The fund's revenue sources shall be limited to moneys derived from airport-related activities, sales of parcels of the Bethel Industrial Park, rental of properties at the Bethel Industrial Park, governmental grants and private donations. Subject to Town Meeting approval, moneys shall be annually transferred from the Town of Bethel general fund to the airport fund in an amount that is at least equal to the amount of taxes levied on real and personal property located within the airport perimeter fence in the previous fiscal year. The fiscal year of the Department shall run from July 1 through June 30. An annual departmental budget, with balancing revenue and expenditure statements, shall be subject to approval by the Airport Authority and Board of Selectmen before any portion of it may be implemented. [Amended 6-11-2003] Approval of expenditures and grants.

At any time the aggregate expenditure of the Department in a single fiscal year is proposed to exceed $175,000, then the entire budget for that fiscal year shall be subject to both Selectmen's approval and Town Meeting approval. Receipt of federal and state grants and their related appropriation, exceeding $25,000 in the aggregate in any fiscal year, shall be subject to Town Meeting approval. The Airport Authority shall only be empowered to enter into purchases, leases, contracts or agreements where the value of each action does not exceed $10,000 and the term of said action does not exceed one year in length. All actions exceeding either of these limits shall require approval of the Board of Selectmen. All real property, personal property, easements and other deeded instruments acquired by donation or through expenditure of the airport fund shall be considered to be property of the Town of Bethel.

Airport Authority Board

Airport Authority meetings are held in the airport's conference room on the second Wednesday of every month at 4pm. For more information, contact the Town Office at 207-824-2669 or email Sharon Jackson, Town/Airport Manager.

Airport Management and Operations Team

General Information

Airport Information Line  (207) 512-5552  email

Airport Manager

Sharon Jackson   Phone:  (207) 824-2669     email

Airport Coordinator/Operations

Randy Autrey

General Maintenance

Brad Corson

Treasurer/Accounts Payable 

Stephanie Colby   email

Fuel Sales Manager

Kristy Aguilar   email

Winter Maintenance

Richard Douglass, Inc. - Brent Douglass

Summer Maintenance

Rick Young /Allen Fleet