Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Notification
NOTICE: The FAA now requires unmanned aircraft systems (including small drones) to be registered! Click here for more information.
Submit UAS Notification to Bethel Regional Airport
Policy enacted 05/06/2015
Modelers, generally, are concerned about safety and do exercise good judgement when flying unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). However, UAS can at times pose a hazard to full-scale aircraft in flight and to persons and property on the surface. With the increase interest in the use of UAS in the United States for hobby and recreational purposes, and in particular in Bethel, Maine, and with UAS safety and security-related incidents near public-use airports being on the rise, the Airport Authority has implemented this policy and procedure in accordance with safety guidelines established by the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) and rules and standards established by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) outlined in Advisory Circular AC 91-57 and Title 14 USC Section 336 of the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012.
The term “unmanned aircraft systems”, (UAS) as defined by the FAA, means any model or full-scale aircraft that are used or intended to be used for flight in the air with no onboard pilot. For the purpose of this policy, UAS include toys such as model aircraft, drones, and model rockets.
When operating within 5 nautical miles of the Bethel Regional Airport, operators shall provide notice to the Airport Coordinator no less than 24 hours prior to the intended launch of a UAS and provide:
- The date(s) and time(s) of the intended UAS operation;
- The location(s) of the intended UAS launch site and the geographic limits of the intended flight operation;
- The name, email address and contact phone number of the operator.
Notification is simply and conveniently accomplished by completing the form on this website (to the right).